Joel Litman recently made a presentation regarding Steve Jobs‘ “Final Prophecy,” which he claims is now coming true and would “cause a historic wave of stock market fortune.” According to Litman, the next great wave of money is on its way to a market segment that few people are paying attention to. And it all has to do with a “whole new sort of technological breakthrough,” which he claims Steve Jobs discussed in 2011.
Will Joel Litman’s SynBio Predictions Bare Fruit?
As the lecture progressed, Joel Litman disclosed that the technology in question is SynBio, which he believes Steve Jobs foresaw perfectly in his 2011 biography. During the lecture, Litman cited the following comment from Jobs, in which Jobs stated that “the major advances of the twenty-first century will be at the interface of biology and technology.”
Few people understood what Jobs meant at the time, according to Joel Litman, but he believes Jobs was referring to SynBio, which he defines as “the marriage of computer science with genomic analysis and gene editing.”
Illumina seem Like its the First Pick of Joel Litman
Joel Litman discussed five equities that he is interested in as part of his “SynBio” thesis. In addition, he organized his selections into three “steps” throughout the presentation. According to Litman, the first step in positioning yourself to gain from SynBio is to purchase stock in Illumina (ILMN).
What is the purpose of Illumina? It’s probably preferable to watch the presentation to understand why Joel Litman is so positive on this stock. But, our understanding is that he is interested in Illumina since the firm is at the vanguard of the DNA sequencing machine market, has rising revenue, and is working on some form of a cancer-detection blood test.
The Other Pick might be Ginkgo Bioworks
Joel Litman also talked about five stocks he thinks would gain from SynBio-related technologies. He gives away the first one (Illumina) for free, but the other four are released in two different reports that come with a Hidden Alpha subscription.
One of them might be Ginkgo Bioworks, which matches the hints Joel Litman provided in his presentation. Nobody knows for certain if Litman’s forecast will come true or whether his choices will be successful. In any case, the presentation was engaging.